Subject: ABOUT Date: THE 4TH age → IQN: EREBOR
→ RHUN is a notepad in space, and yes we are interested in DISCLOSURE, UAPS AND what the government(s) know about them. However I don't believe that info is going to come easily. 1. How the comments system works: (Main Comment) > REPLY e.g "UAP, USG, FOOD, WHATEVER" and NAME which is your name or AVATAR you've made up. REPLY and NAME may intersect at various times depending on the subjects your replying to and the NAME of the person who entered the previous information. SEE SIMPLE HUH? YOU can add to a subject REPLY or NAME, just get the subject right if you can, "Don't add food to the uap subject line, unless you have an ALIEN recipie to share :) 2. Mainly RHUN is just a bunch of notes online for amusement. We do email as well, which after a long time I worked out: It's cheaper and less hassle than making your own email server from scratch. I'm all in for anyone writing a new version of email. → We also have a lot of UFO/UAP documents on drives at home but being on starlink now with CGNAT on the other end is tricky - a fixed IP with starlink is a blood thursty experience so the only other way is syncthing maybe. Online drives are ok, but Im talking Terrabytes. $$$$$ We have email available .. → THANKS GO TO: REDDIT r/ufos COMMUNITY FOR THE REEMS OF INTERESTING DATA AND VIDEO'S ETC . Also to the others working in and out of the government (s) trying to get disclosure... here's hopeing. As you may have worked out I like tables ... weeeelll you have to have an obssession with something I suppose :)