Subject: AARO   Date: SEPT 24
3. AARO Integrated Operations INTEGRATED OPERATIONS STRATEGY Leads Integrated-Operations Strategy development, tailoring platform and sensor tasking, and optimizing cross-functional tipping and cueing between Theater and IC assets. HISTORICAL UAP-DATA ACQUISITION Organically gathers primary research data for scientific and intelligence analyst consumption through voluntary interviews with those who claim placement and access to UAP and UAP-related information, through the collection of historical government and open-source data, and through other activities. UAP DETECTION & TRACKING Advises Theater, Defense, National-level, and foreign UAP operations by optimizing platform and sensor tasking across functions in real-time during Area of Responsibility (AoR) baselining, and as anomalies are detected and observed. Manages the secure retention of UAP Data from operational platforms and its transfer to AARO. UAP MITIGATION Partners with Joint Staff and counterintelligence elements in the development of UAP mitigation strategies—including but not limited to UAP incursions and engagement. Advises Commands on AoR-specific UAP mitigation planning, tactics, techniques, procedures, and relevant legal, policy, oversight, and compliance requirements. Guides the development of integrated-operations plans, standardized reporting requirements, interoperable tactics, techniques, procedures, and the operational prioritization of platforms and sensors. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT Guides the codification of analytic information needs as reporting requirements by scientific and intelligence analysts. Military operational elements, IC Mission Managers, and IC Functional Managers identify capabilities, capacities, and constraints available for reporting against scientific and intelligence analytic needs. UAP OBJECT RECOVERY Leads UAP recovery planning and execution in close collaboration with the AARO S&T Group. Advises Commands on the secure and safe handling, storage, transport, and transfer of UAP Objects and Material for AARO S&T exploitation.