Subject: HISTORY 2

Have you ever wondered? Why pyramid's appear in multiple places in the world? none more prevalent than Egypt of course, but also in Romania, China, South America and others. How were these Megalithic Temples built? with blocks of stone in the Great Pyramids roof weighing 200 Tons and the base block in the Temple of the sun in Lebanon weighing 1000 Tons ..? Even today we would be hard pressed to create such engineering feats ourselves even with large machinery .. The great Pyramids are a magnificent achievement when you see them up close with the base blocks bigger than me and weighing anywhere up to 20 Tons. Inside the Pyramids there are no Inscriptions at all , and after the pyramid age in Egypt around 2500 years before Christianity came along, the Egyptians stopped creating such megaliths and built smaller temples instead. Also they started burying their dead in Tombs dug underneath the ground itself, almost like the mega structures went back further than 2500bce and the later peoples lost the art of building them. It would be like us building Skyscrapers in the dark ages and retreating back to houses and small huts in the 21st century .. a bit odd don't you think? Even the Great Pharaoh SETI 1 that had his people build a temple actually ran into one of these Megalithic Temples under the sand and had to re-vise their own build, and that's why SETI'S temple is an odd shape, did they forget it was there? or simply didn't know? The great Pyramids apparently only took in the region of 20 years to build, which I find hard to believe, considering how long the temple of the sun in South America took to build, which was reputedly 150 years.

The Thing Being ... We know now don't we? that the original Pharaohs of Pyramid building fame were Dark Skinned Africans, not the silly nonsense that Hollywood rolls out when it wants a quick buck, also the Egyptians now are of Arab descent not the builders relatives. When Jesus Christ existed, he seriously would have been a Mediterranean Type with dark hair and beard .. not the well groomed euro type churches love plastering everywhere. Anyway getting back to the theory; I have no doubt our history goes back a lot further than we have been told, maybe even pre ice age, cause pyramids for a start require some very careful study and practice to get right! and 20 years to build the great pyramid? really?

Fingerprints - Graham Handcock [fgh23] Poking holes in Graham Handcocks theories on the past URL: Cmts: HERE   Rc: HERE   Wiki: HERE   Tag: Archeology  Time: Sun, 23 Apr 2017 09:51:07 +1200

Gobekli Tepe [GT19] Background - Unearthing Religion - Megalithic Gobekli Tepe URL: Cmts: HERE   Rc: HERE   Wiki: HERE   Tag: Megalithic  Time: Fri, 19 May 2017 10:55:56 +1200

Civilisations: Myths and Legends [cml22] URL: Cmts: HERE   Rc: HERE   Wiki: HERE   Tag: Ages  Time: Mon, 22 May 2017 10:32:00 +1200

The Great Pyramid: 25 facts [gp30] Historical analysis shows that the Pyramids were built between 2589 and 2504 BC. There are so many interesting facts about this Pyramid that it baffles archeologists, scientists, astronomers, and tourists. URL: Cmts: HERE   Rc: HERE   Wiki: HERE   Tag: Egypt  Twaddle Scale: [?]  Time: Sun, 30 Jul 2017 14:55:43 +1200

Clovis Culture [cc23] The Clovis culture is a prehistoric Paleo-Indian culture, named for distinct stone tools found in close association with Pleistocene fauna at Blackwater Locality No. 1 near Clovis, New Mexico, in the 1920s and 1930s. The Clovis culture appears around 11,500–11,000 uncal RCYBP (uncalibrated radiocarbon years before present), at the end of the last glacial period, and is characterized by the manufacture of "Clovis points" and distinctive bone and ivory tools. Archaeologists' most precise determinations at present suggest that this radiocarbon age is equal to roughly 13,200 to 12,900 calendar years ago. URL: Cmts: HERE   Rc: HERE   Wiki: HERE   Tag: Historic Theories  Twaddle Scale: [?]  Time: Wed, 23 Aug 2017 17:00:34 +1200

AJIT VADAKAYIL [av09] MAYA , INCA , AZTEC CIVILIZATIONS DECODED - CAPT AJIT VADAKAYIL - India's David ICKE URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Opinions Twaddle Scale: [?] Time: Sat, 06 Jan 2018 10:02:28 +1300

Civilization On Earth Before Humans? [ce19] Schmidt is the director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (a.k.a. GISS) a world class climate science facility. One day last year, I came to GISS with a far out proposal. URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Speculation TS: [?] Time: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 19:29:19 +1200
Ancient Aliens Debunked [aad19] Ancient Aliens Debunked is a 3 hour refutation of the theories proposed on the History Channel series Ancient Aliens. URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Ideas TS: [?] Time: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 19:53:37 +1200
Sitchin is Wrong [siw19] Welcome to the website devoted to addressing the claims of the ancient astronaut hypothesis popularized in the writings of Zecharia Sitchin. Who's behind this site? My name is Mike Heiser. URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Theories, Ancient Past TS: [?] Time: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 19:56:27 +1200
Panspermia [pan25] Panspermia is the hypothesis that life exists throughout the Universe, distributed by space dust, meteoroids, asteroids, comets, planetoids, and also by spacecraft in the form of unintended contamination by microorganisms. URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Theories, life origin TS: [?] Time: Wed, 25 Apr 2018 17:40:51 +1200
Mayan Calendar [mc29] Maybe updated at any time - Hi there, my name is Timothy Alan and I am a multi-dimensional archaeologist. 5 years ago I found 10 hidden KEY in the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar. After 5 years of daily study trying to figure out what these 10 KEY where about I'd uncovered 40 KEYS and discovered the QELF ( Quantum Encoded Light Fractal) as well as Time Portals within the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar. - - Hey give it a minute and even longer to understand ... URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Mayan, code, calendar, Fractals TS: [?] Time: Sun, 29 Apr 2018 10:22:41 +1200
TRUTH About REALITY [tar16] CIA declassified document reveals the truth about reality.. Soundz like a sales pitch I know , but have a look and give it a view.. URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: CIA, Declassified Documents, Reality, opinion TS: [?] Time: Sun, 16 Dec 2018 08:17:26 +1300