Subject: HISTORY
Ancient Egyptian architectural design: A study of the harmonic system Book - For the student of Egyptology, or for that matter, anyone interested in the technical/creative source of the wondrous ancient Egyptian works of high architecture, this book is an essential read. It establishes a convincing argument for the existence of precise mathematical underpinnings for the design and construction of ancient Egyptian temples.
Author Astrophysics - Thomas G Brophy
Author Documentary - Paleontologist - Robert Dunlap
Hamlets Mill Book - In this classic work of scientific and philosophical inquiry, the authors track world myths to a common origin in early man's descriptions of cosmological activity, arguing that these remnants of ancient astronomy, suppressed by the Greeks and Romans and then forgotten, were really a form of preliterate science.
Documentary Documentary Producer - Walter Cruttenden
Kali Yuga Sanskrit scriptures - Kali Yuga "age of [the demon] Kali", or "age of vice") is the last of the four stages the world goes through as part of the cycle of yugas described in the Sanskrit scriptures, within the present Mahayuga. The other ages are called Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, and Dvapara Yuga.
Documentary Dr Rick Strassman - DMT: The Spirit Molecule. IS The Pineal Gland at the base of the brain responsible for the consciousness entering and leaving the body? (Soul)
Video: Rethinking Egypt Youtube Video: Published on Oct 24, 2015Alex Mott visits Egypt, researching the pyramids and claims of ancient technology. The Darwinian theory of linear evolution struggles to accommodate some of these artefacts and human history - it needs rethinking.
Idea: Acoustic Engineering 01. Image gallery & article about Aswan quarry More information about Ernst Chladni Interference patterns (Wikipedia) 04. Earlier ATS thread about Aswan Quarry" 05. Chladni Figures (YouTube) 06. Theory of patterns formed on Chladni plates 07. Blog entry about "sound dunes" 08. Further images of unfinished obelisk and Aswan quarry

Odd Place to Find Egyptians [e12] Anyway, I was innocently admiring caves in the Grand Canyon, when I was shocked to see an article about a hidden network of caves within the Canyon. Skeptical and curious, I followed up on it, and I think you’d be hard pressed to not find the results as amusing as I did! small> URL: Cmts: HERE   Rc: HERE   Wiki: HERE   Tag: Archeology  Time: Fri, 12 May 2017 17:42:41 +1200

The Piri Reis Map [prm14] The Piri Reis Map, shown below, is the oldest surviving map to show the Americas. It is not European, surprisingly, but Turkish. It bears a date of 919 in the Moslem calendar, corresponding to 1513 in the Western Calendar. It is in the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, a fabulous museum and the locale for a truly awful movie in the late 1960's. small> URL: Cmts: HERE   Rc: HERE   Wiki: HERE   Tag: Mysteries  Time: Sun, 14 May 2017 17:06:53 +1200 [on18] The tombs of Ancient Egypt is what this site seeks to present. The intention is to investigate them in depth so as to get to know them, and to understand how they worked and what messages they still convey. small> URL: Cmts: HERE   Rc: HERE   Wiki: HERE   Tag: Egypt  Twaddle Scale: [?]  Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2017 15:36:19 +1200

25 Facts - The Great Pyramid [gp30] Historical analysis shows that the Pyramids were built between 2589 and 2504 BC. There are so many interesting facts about this Pyramid that it baffles archeologists, scientists, astronomers, and tourists. small> URL: Cmts: HERE   Rc: HERE   Wiki: HERE   Tag: Egypt  Twaddle Scale: [?]  Time: Sun, 30 Jul 2017 14:51:56 +1200

Nazca [n04]>> small> URL: various Cmts: HERE   Rc: HERE   Wiki: HERE   Tag: Video's  Twaddle Scale: [?]  Time: Fri, 04 Aug 2017 21:45:55 +1200

Turin king list [tkl07] Papyrus 1874 verso of the Egyptian Museum in Turin, also called the Turin king list, or the Royal Canon of Turin is an Ancient Egyptian papyrus recording the names of the pharaohs and their length of reign. Written in hieratic on the backside of a tax-record, and is the most extensive list of Egyptian kings known and as such is the basis for most of the Egyptian chronology before the New Kingdom. small> URL: Cmts: HERE   Rc: HERE   Wiki: HERE   Tag: Egypt  Twaddle Scale: [?]  Time: Mon, 07 Aug 2017 19:51:36 +1200

Egyptian Journey [ej10] The nearly subterranean temple of Osiris next to the great Temple of Seti I at Abydos was completely covered in sand in the early part of the century. When it was uncovered, it was so stylistically different from the other ruins on the site that it was quite controversial. It looks strikingly like the simple valley temple of Chephren at Giza -- simple, square columns, totally devoid of decoration. small> URL: Cmts: HERE   Rc: HERE   Wiki: HERE   Tag: Osirean  Twaddle Scale: [?]  Time: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 13:21:35 +1200

Tiwanaku [tiw10] The prehistoric city of Tiwanaku is located on the southern shore of the famous Lake Titicaca along the border between Bolivia and Peru. During the heyday of this city was between A.D. 500 and 950, religious artifacts from the city spread across the southern Andes, but when the conquering Inka arrived in the mid-fifteenth century, the site had been mysteriously abandoned for half a millennium. small> URL: Cmts: HERE   Rc: HERE   Wiki: HERE   Tag: Bolivia  Twaddle Scale: [?]  Time: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 13:23:28 +1200

Viracocha [v17] Viracocha is the great creator deity in the pre-Inca and Inca mythology in the Andes region of South America. small> URL: Cmts: HERE   Rc: HERE   Wiki: HERE   Tag: Inca  Twaddle Scale: [?]  Time: Sun, 17 Sep 2017 15:52:54 +1200

Telluric Current [tc17] A telluric current (from Latin tellūs, "earth"), or Earth current, is an electric current which moves underground or through the sea. Telluric currents result from both natural causes and human activity, and the discrete currents interact in a complex pattern. The currents are extremely low frequency and travel over large areas at or near the surface of the Earth.small class="sli"> URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Earth, Electricity Twaddle Scale: [?] Time: Sun, 17 Dec 2017 19:02:54 +1300

Tep Zepi [tz17] Ancient Egyptian creation myths are the ancient Egyptian accounts of the creation of the world. The Pyramid Texts, tomb wall decorations and writings, dating back to the Old Kingdom (2780 – 2250 B.C.E) have given us most of our information regarding early Egyptian creation myths.,113072,113380small class="sli"> URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: The First Time, Creation Myths Egypt Twaddle Scale: [?] Time: Sun, 17 Dec 2017 20:56:12 +1300

Sabians [sab14] The Sabians (/ˈseɪbiənz/; Arabic: الصابئة‎ al-Ṣābiʼah or الصابئون‎ al-Ṣābiʼūn) of Middle Eastern tradition were a religious group mentioned three times in the Quran as a People of the Book, "the Jews, the Sabians, and the Christians".[1] In the hadith, they were described simply as converts to Islam.[2] Interest in the identity and history of the group increased over time.small class="sli"> URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: People, Gnostic, Universe Twaddle Scale: [?] Time: Sun, 14 Jan 2018 08:36:56 +1300

Papyrus: Great Pyramid [merer16] Astonishingly, the papyri were written by men who participated in the building of the Great Pyramid, the tomb of the Pharaoh Khufu, the first and largest of the three colossal pyramids at Giza just outside modern Cairo. class="sli"> URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Giza, Egypt Twaddle Scale: [?] Time: Tue, 16 Jan 2018 22:48:58 +1300

Ramses II: Fake News  [rfn30] Pharaoh Ramses II nicknamed The Great is credited with extraordinary qualities as a soldier, diplomat, and ruler, and his reign are considered the last period of the splendor of ancient Egypt.But is it true?small class="sli"> URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Egypt, Ramses, Propaganda Twaddle Scale: [?] Time: Tue, 30 Jan 2018 19:39:31 +1300

Manetho [man11] Manetho wrote the "Aegyptiaca" (History of Egypt) in which he divided the rulers into dynasties (or ruling houses) which forms the basis of the modern system of dating Ancient Egypt.small class="sli"> URL:> Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Egypt, Priest, Historian Twaddle Scale: [?] Time: Sun, 11 Feb 2018 14:23:32 +1300

Merer: The Logbook [merer17] The diary of Merer (Papyrus Jarf A and B) are logbooks written over 4,500 years ago that records the daily activities of workers who took part in the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza. In 2013, the text was found by a French mission under the direction of Pierre Tallet of Sorbonne University in a cave in Wadi al-Jarf. class="sli"> URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Giza, Pyramid, Construction Twaddle Scale: [?] Time: Sat, 17 Feb 2018 07:49:23 +1300

Pumapunku [pp18] Pumapunku Stone TYPE: Andesite and Red Sandstone. Red sandstone is soft, Andesite: / slightly harder but able to be worked. Largest Stone is approx 131 tons (estimated). ALSO: class="sli"> URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Tiwanaku, Bolivia Twaddle Scale: [?] Time: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 13:55:16 +1300

Cnut the Great [ctg20] Also known as Canute whose father was Sweyn Forkbeard (which gave him the patronym Sweynsson, Old Norse: Sveinsson) was King of Denmark, England and Norway; together often referred to as the North Sea Empire. With the deaths of his heirs within a decade of his own, and Norman conquest of England in 1066, this legacy was mostly forgotten.small class="sli"> URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Viking Sea-Kings, Britain, Danish Twaddle Scale: [?] Time: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 20:35:53 +1300

Gilgamesh [gil09] Gilgamesh is the semi-mythic King of Uruk in Mesopotamia best known from The Epic of Gilgamesh (written c. 2150 - 1400 BCE) the great Sumerian/Babylonian poetic work which pre-dates Homer's writing by 1500 years and, therefore, stands as the oldest piece of epic world literature.small class="sli"> URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Sumerian, Myth-King TS: [?] Time: Mon, 09 Apr 2018 19:21:54 +1200
Stonehenge [sheng10] 2018: Looks like 2 of the stones (upright) at Stonehenge have been there for some time, maybe millions of years. Anyway more as we find it. class="sli"> URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Britain, Archaeology TS: [?] Time: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 07:26:59 +1200
Assyrian Dictionary [adp19] The Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, initiated in 1921 by James Henry Breasted, is compiling a comprehensive dictionary of the various dialects of Akkadian, the earliest known Semitic language that was recorded on cuneiform texts that date from ... small class="sli"> URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Projects, Ancient TS: [?] Time: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 19:58:17 +1200
Alexander [a06] Alexander III of Macedon (20/21 July 356 BC - 10/11 June 323 BC), commonly known as Alexander the Great. Son of Philips the 2nd of Macedonia - He was undefeated in battle and is widely considered one of history's most successful military commanders.Most famous were the battle's against the Persian's at Issus and Gaugamela.During his youth, Alexander was tutored by Aristotle until age 16. After Philip's assassination in 336 BC, he succeeded his father to the throne and inherited a strong kingdom and an experienced army.Also: Writers: Strabo - - particularly geographic writings describing places during this period, as he is most likely the most reliable.Tomb History - Never been found but there are good facts and theories on where it might be. His body, after he died was spirited away by Ptolemy (One of his Generals) to Egypt to - it was believed Memphis (Religious center of Egypt at the Time) only to be shifted later to Alexandria.A great Tomb was built in Ancient Alexandria for him and it was visited by many including Roman Emperors up until the fall of the Roman Empire in approx 300ad. He was shifted again in 400ad due to religious upheaval at the time (by his cult worshipers) to it is believed Bahariya Oasis "The Valley of The Golden Mummies" where a Tomb was found bearing his reliefs - although his body has never been found.Strangely it's believed he was worshiped up until the 17th century - so great was he considered.He identified himself in his life with the Supreme Egyptian God AMUN. small class="sli"> URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Macedonian King, The Great, Philip_II TS: [?] Time: Sun, 06 May 2018 13:38:24 +1200
Fig: Map of Alexandria showing possible places where his Tomb may have been. There is no surviving map of ancient Alexandria.
fig: Showing the location of Bahariya Oasis.
Fig: The Ancient Egyptian Cosmos - Details.
Fig: Orions Belt and Ancient sites on EARTH.
Fig: Graphic - Pyramids of the world.
Fig: Graphic - Religious Tree of the world.
Khufu [khu09] "The Westcar Papyrus (inventory-designation: P. Berlin 3033) is an ancient Egyptian text containing five stories about miracles performed by priests and magicians. In the text, each of these tales are told at the royal court of Pharaoh Cheops (4th dynasty) by his sons."small class="sli"> URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Cheops, Giza, Great Pyramid TS: [?] Time: Sat, 09 Jun 2018 10:51:55 +1200
Fig: Graphic - Temple's of the world.
Paititi [p05] El_Dorado (Spanish - city of gold) - could be Paititi (Paytiti) - working off a document from a 15th century spanish monk, the legendary city was the obsession of the Spanish and more than a few western explorers. (Hiram Bingham with the help of a Native Boy discovered Macchu Pichu).Did it exist? no ones yet sure, but explorers haven't stopped trying."Paititi is a legendary Inca lost city or utopian rich land. It allegedly lies east of the Andes, hidden somewhere within the remote rainforests of southeast Peru, northern Bolivia or southwest Brazil. The Paititi legend in Peru revolves around the story of the culture-hero Inkarri, who, after he had founded Q'ero and Cusco, retreated toward the jungles of Pantiacolla to live out the rest of his days in his refuge city of Paititi."small class="sli"> URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: EL_Dorado, Gold, Inca, Spanish TS: [?] Time: Mon, 05 Nov 2018 18:34:53 +1300
Dream Stele [ds07] The Dream to Tuthmosis IV - - The Great Sphinx of Giza - Partial: "Now the statue of the very great Khepri [the Great Sphinx] rested in this place, great of fame, sacred of respect, the shade of Ra resting on him. Memphis and every city on its two sides came to him, their arms in adoration to his face, bearing great offerings for his Ka. One of these days it happened that prince Thutmose came travelling at the time of midday. He rested in the shadow of this great god. [Sleep and] dream [took possession of him] at the moment the sun was at zenith. Then he found the majesty of this noble god speaking from his own mouth like a father speaks to his son, and saying: "Look at me, observe me, my son Thutmose. I am your father Horemakhet-Khepri-Ra-Atum. I shall give to you the kingship [upon the land before the living]....[Behold, my condition is like one in illness], all [my limbs being ruined]. The sand of the desert, upon which I used to be, (now) confronts me; and it is in order to cause that you do what is in my heart that I have waited." Shaw, 2000, The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt, p.254. (wikipedia)Tomb of OSIRIS: class="sli"> URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: Egypt, Tuthmosis IV, Sphinx TS: [?] Time: Wed, 07 Nov 2018 11:56:20 +1300
Africa: Herodotus [wmh29] MAP: The World According to Herodotus, 484–425 BCDescription: A map of the world as it was known to the Greek historian Herodotus of Halicarnassus (484–425 BC). The map shows the extent of Europe, Asia, and Africa known to the Greeks, including the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) between the Mediterranean and Atlantic, the mountain systems in northern Africa, central Anatolia, Alps, and Caucasus, the rivers Nile, Danube, Tanais (Don), and Indus, the territories of Scythia, Thrace, India, Media, Persia, Assyria, Arabia, Egypt, and Libya, and the cities of Athens, Sardis, Carthage, Memphis, Thebes, Babylon, and Susa.small class="sli"> URL: Cmts: HERE  Rc: HERE  Wiki: HERE  Tag: World, Herodotus TS: [?] Time: Thu, 29 Aug 2019 18:31:37 +1200