1 - 1Return of the Noldor to Middle-earth. Death of Fëanor.
1 - 1Dagor-nuin-Giliath. "Battle Under the Stars" 2nd battle of the Jewels
1 - 1Awakening of Men in Hildórien.
1 - 50Journey of Turgon and Finrod.
1 - 75Dagor Aglareb. The Siege of Angband is set by the Princes of the Noldor. "Glorious Battle" 3rd battle of Beleriand
1 - 100Foundation of Nargothrond.
1 - 126Completion of Gondolin. Turgon's people begin the migration from Nevrast. "The HIDDEN City"
1 - 265Glaurung ravages Beleriand, but is driven back to Angband. Glaurung - MORGOTHS MIGHTIEST Dragon
1 - 305Men are discovered in Ossiriand by Finrod Felagund.
1 - 345Return of Aredhel and Maeglin to Gondolin.
1 - 345Death of Eöl the Dark Elf.
1 - 389Birth of Hador, later Lord of Dor-lómin.
1 - 439Birth of Húrin Thalion, later Lord of Dor-lómin.
1 - 443Approximate date for the birth of Beren Erchamion.
1 - 445Birth of Ereinion, later called Gil-galad. SEE: The last alliance 2nd age y3441
1 - 450Birth of Larnach.
1 - 455Dagor Bragollach. Breaking of the Siege of Angband. "Battle of Sudden Flame" 4th Battle of Beleriand
1 - 455Celegorm and Curufin flee Himlad for Nargothrond.
1 - 455Húrin and Huor are brought to Gondolin by Thorondor.
1 - 455Fingolfin slain in single combat with Morgoth.
1 - 456Húrin and Huor return out of Gondolin to Dor-lómin.
1 - 457Capture of Minas Tirith by the forces of Sauron. # NOT the Minas Tirith of the 3rd age
1 - 462Galdor is slain in the siege of Barad Eithel.
1 - 463Birth of Túrin in Dor-lómin.
1 - 463Beren first comes upon Lúthien.
1 - 465Celegorm and Curufin are exiled from Nargothrond and journey to Himring.
1 - 468Finrod and Beren are imprisoned in Tol-in-Gaurhoth. Finrod is slain by a werewolf, but Beren is rescued by Lúthien.
1 - 469Beren and Lúthien achieve the Quest of the Silmaril.
1 - 471The Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
1 - 471Fingon is slain in the Nirnaeth. Turgon becomes High King of the Noldor.
1 - 471Huor is slain in the Fen of Serech, and Húrin is captured by Morgoth.
1 - 471Birth of Tuor.
1 - 472Siege and capture of the Havens of Brithombar and Eglarest.
1 - 475Birth of Dior Eluchíl on Tol Galen.
1 - 494Approximate date of the reforging of Gurthang.
1 - 495Sack of Nargothrond.
1 - 495The coming of Tuor to Gondolin.
1 - 498Slaying of Glaurung, and deaths of Túrin Turambar and Nienor Níniel in Brethil.
1 - 499Release of Hûrin from Angband.
1 - 500Death of Larnach.
1 - 500Death of Húrin Thalion.
1 - 500Approximate date of the birth of Elwing.
1 - 500Approximate date Hurin's coming to the ruins Nargothrond. There, he slays Mîm, last of the Petty-dwarves.
1 - 502Deaths of Beren and Lúthien.
1 - 503Death of Thingol.
1 - 504Journey of Dior to Doriath.
1 - 505Assault by the Sons of Fëanor on Menegroth. Dior, Celegorm, Curufin and Caranthir are all slain.
1 - 510Fall of Gondolin and death of Turgon.
1 - 510Glorfindel slays a Balrog in the Encircling Mountains, and is himself slain.
1 - 525Approximate date of the birth of Elrond and Elros.
1 - 560Tuor and Idril sail into the West in the ship Eärrámë.
1 - 583War of Wrath and the destruction of Beleriand.
1 - 583Angband is destroyed and Morgoth is banished from the World.
2 - 1Foundation of the Elven-kingdoms in the west of Middle-earth, Mithlond and Lindon.
2 - 32Arrival of the Edain in Númenor. Elrond's brother Elros becomes their first King, taking the name Tar-Minyatur.
2 - 442Death of Elros Tar-Minyatur. He is succeeded as King of Númenor by his son Vardamir, who immediately abdicates in favour of his own son Tar-Amandil.
2 - 600The first ships of the Númenóreans return to Middle-earth.
2 - 730Second voyage of Aldarion to Middle-earth.
2 - 750Foundation of Eregion.
2 - 771Birth of Erendis.
2 - 870Wedding of Aldarion and Erendis.
2 - 877Spring Aldarion's flagship Hirilondë is launched.
2 - 985Death of Erendis, apparently by drowning.
2 - 1000Sauron settles in the land of Mordor and begins the building of Barad-dûr.
2 - 1200Sauron comes to the Elves of Eregion in a fair guise, and begins to teach them.
2 - 1500The first of the Rings of Power are made in Eregion.
2 - 1590Completion of the Three Rings in Eregion.
2 - 1600Sauron forges the One Ring in Orodruin, and reveals his true purposes to the Elves.
2 - 1600The first building of Barad-dûr is completed.
2 - 1693War begins between the Elves and Sauron.
2 - 1697Eregion is destroyed by Sauron's forces, and Celebrimbor slain.
2 - 1697The foundation of Rivendell.
2 - 1701Sauron's forces, after taking much of Eriador, are driven back into the East by an army of Númenor.
2 - 1731Tar-Minastir becomes King of Númenor.
2 - 1800The Númenóreans begin to colonise and exploit Middle-earth.
2 - 1869Tar-Minastir surrenders the Sceptre of Númenor.
2 - 1986Birth of Tar-Atanamir's heir, later King Tar-Ancalimon.
2 - 2250First appearance of the Nazgûl.
2 - 2251Probable date of the accession of Tar-Ancalimon as King .
2 - 2386Death of Tar-Ancalimon. He is succeeded by Tar-Telemmaitë.
2 - 2899Ar-Adûnakhôr becomes King of Númenor.
2 - 3118Birth of Pharazôn, later Ar-Pharazôn, King of Númenor.
2 - 3119Probable date of the birth of Elendil.
2 - 3209Probable date of the birth of Isildur.
2 - 3219Probable date of the birth of Anárion.
2 - 3255Ar-Pharazôn, last King of Númenor, usurps the throne.
2 - 3261Ar-Pharazôn sails to Middle-earth and takes Sauron as prisoner back to Númenor. There, he begins to corrupt the Númenoreans.
2 - 3299Probable date of the birth of Meneldil.
2 - 3319Ar-Pharazôn sails into the West to assail the Valar. The Downfall of Númenor.
2 - 3320Arnor and Gondor are founded by Elendil and his sons Isildur and Anárion.
2 - 3320Sauron returns in secret to the land of Mordor.
2 - 3320Approximate date of the construction of many great towers and citadels, including Minas Ithil and Isengard.
2 - 3429Sauron launches an assault on Gondor, and captures Minas Ithil.
2 - 3430Formation of the Last Alliance.
2 - 3434Sauron's forces are defeated in the Battle of Dagorlad. The Siege of Barad-dûr begins.
2 - 3440Anárion slain in the Siege of Barad-dûr.
2 - 3441Defeat of Sauron by the Last Alliance. Barad-dûr is destroyed, but both Gil-galad and Elendil are lost. The Nazgûl go into the shadows.
3 - 2Isildur plants a seedling of the White Tree in Minas Anor. Returning northward to Arnor with the One Ring, he is waylaid by Orcs and slain.
3 - 2Meneldil takes on the rule of the South-kingdom.
3 - 109Wedding of Elrond and Celebrían.
3 - 130Birth of the twins Elladan and Elrohir.
3 - 158Death of Meneldil. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Cemendur.
3 - 238Death of Cemendur. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Eärendil.
3 - 241Birth of Arwen Evenstar.
3 - 310Probable date of the birth of Tarostar, later King Rómendacil I of Gondor.
3 - 324Death of Eärendil of Gondor. He is succeeded as King by his son Anardil.
3 - 411Death of Anardil. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Ostoher.
3 - 490Gondor is assailed by Men out of the East; the first of many wars with the Easterlings and Southrons.
3 - 492Death of Ostoher. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Tarostar, who rules as Rómendacil I.
3 - 541Death of Rómendacil I. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Turambar.
3 - 667Death of Turambar of Gondor. He is succeeded as King by his son Atanatar I.
3 - 726Probable date of the birth of Amlaith of Fornost.
3 - 748Death of Atanatar I. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Siriondil.
3 - 830Death of Siriondil. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Tarannon.
3 - 861Division of Arnor into Arthedain, Rhudaur and Cardolan.
3 - 913Death of Tarannon Falastur. Leaving no heir, he is succeeded as King of Gondor by his nephew Eärnil I.
3 - 936Death of Eärnil I. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Ciryandil.
3 - 946Death of Amlaith of Fornost, founder of Arthedain. He is succeeded by his son Beleg.
3 - 1000Arrival of the Istari in Middle-earth.
3 - 1015Death of Ciryandil. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son, who rules as Hyarmendacil I.
3 - 1050Gondor conquers the Harad, and reaches the height of its power.
3 - 1050A shadow falls on Greenwood the Great, and it begins to be called Mirkwood.
3 - 1050The Harfoots cross the Misty Mountains and settle in Eriador.
3 - 1100The first stirrings of Sauron are felt again in Middle-earth, though they are thought at this time to signal the return of a Nazgûl.
3 - 1126Probable date of the birth of Minalcar, later King Rómendacil II of Gondor.
3 - 1149Death of Hyarmendacil I. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Atanatar II.
3 - 1150The Hobbits of the Fallohide and Stoor strains wander west across the Misty Mountains.
3 - 1226Death of King Atanatar II of Gondor. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes Narmacil I.
3 - 1240Minalcar (later King Rómendacil II) is made Regent of Gondor by his uncle Narmacil I.
3 - 1250Likely date of the construction of the Argonath
3 - 1294Death of King Narmacil I of Gondor. He is succeeded by his younger brother, Calmacil, though Calmacil's son Minalcar retains the Regency.
3 - 1300The Nazgûl reappear in Middle-earth. Angmar is founded in the far north.
3 - 1300The Hobbits travel westwards. Some reach the Bree-land and settle there.
3 - 1304Death of King Calmacil of Gondor. He is succeeded by his son and Regent, who becomes Rómendacil II.
3 - 1349Death of King Malvegil of Arthedain. He is succeeded by his son Argeleb I.
3 - 1356Argeleb I dies in battle with Angmar. He is succeeded by his son Arveleg I.
3 - 1366Death of King Rómendacil II of Gondor. He is succeeded by his son Valacar.
3 - 1409The Witch-king of Angmar invades the northern kingdoms.
3 - 1432Death of King Valacar of Gondor. The succession of his son Eldacar is disputed, and civil war begins in Gondor.
3 - 1437The burning of Osgiliath, and the loss of its palantír.
3 - 1447Eldacar returns from the east and reclaims the Crown of Gondor, slaying Castamir the Usurper.
3 - 1448Castamir's sons escape to Umbar, and form the beginnings of the Corsairs.
3 - 1473Probable date of the birth of Argeleb son of Araphor, later King Argeleb II of Arthedain.
3 - 1540Death of Aldamir. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Hyarmendacil II.
3 - 1589Death of Araphor. He is succeeded by his son Argeleb II.
3 - 1601The foundation of the Shire, and the beginning of the Shire-reckoning.
3 - 1621Death of Hyarmendacil II. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Minardil.
3 - 1634Death of Minardil. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Telemnar.
3 - 1636The year of the Great Plague, and the appearance of the Barrow-wights in the Barrow-downs.
3 - 1636In Gondor, King Telemnar and all his children sicken and die.
3 - 1636Tarondor removes the seat of the King of Gondor from Osgiliath to Minas Anor. The decay of Osgiliath begins.
3 - 1670Death of Argeleb II. He is succeeded by his son Arvegil.
3 - 1684Probable date of the birth of Narmacil II.
3 - 1731Birth of Durin VI, later King of Durin's Folk in Khazad-dûm.
3 - 1798Death of Tarondor. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Telumehtar.
3 - 1810Telumehtar Umbardacil takes Umbar and slays the last descendants of Castamir.
3 - 1832Birth of Náin I, later King of Durin's Folk in Khazad-dûm.
3 - 1850Death of Telumehtar Umbardacil. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes Narmacil II.
3 - 1856Death of Narmacil II in battle with the Wainriders. He is succeeded by his son Calimehtar.
3 - 1864Probable date of the birth of Arvedui son of Araphant, later King of Arthedain.
3 - 1936Death of Calimehtar. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Ondoher.
3 - 1944Gondor is assaulted simultaneously by the armies of Khand, Harad and the Wainriders. The Battle of the Camp.
3 - 1944King Ondoher of Gondor is slain with both his sons.
3 - 1945The Crown of Gondor is granted to Eärnil II.
3 - 1964Death of Araphant. He is succeeded by his son Arvedui.
3 - 1974The forces of Angmar capture Fornost; the remnant of the North-kingdom is destroyed.
3 - 1975Eärnur of Gondor brings a fleet to the north. Too late to save the North-kingdom, he avenges its loss at the Battle of Fornost. Angmar is destroyed.
3 - 1979Bucca of the Marish is the made the first of the Shire-thains.
3 - 1980Return of the Nazgûl to Mordor.
3 - 1980The Dwarves of Moria unleash Durin's Bane. King Durin VI is slain by it.
3 - 1981Loss of Nimrodel and Amroth.
3 - 1981Náin I is slain. The last remaining Dwarves flee from Durin's Bane in Khazad-dûm.
3 - 1999After years of wandering, the exiles of Khazad-dûm found Erebor.
3 - 2000The Nazgûl emerge from Mordor and assault Minas Ithil.
3 - 2000Approximate date of the slaying of Scatha the Worm by Fram of the Éothéod.
3 - 2002Capture of Minas Ithil by the Nazgûl. It is renamed Minas Morgul.
3 - 2043Death of Eärnil II. He is succeeded as King of Gondor by his son Eärnur.
3 - 2050Eärnur, the last King of Gondor is lost. The Stewards now rule in the King's name.
3 - 2080Death of Mardil the first Ruling Steward. He is succeeded by his son Eradan.
3 - 2136Birth of Glóin, later King in the Grey Mountains.
2 - 2165Probable date of the birth of Túrin I, later Steward of Gondor.
3 - 2190Death of Thráin I, founder of Erebor. He is succeeded by his son Thorin I.
3 - 2210The Dwarves of Durin's Folk leave Erebor and settle in the Grey Mountains.
3 - 2238Birth of Óin, later King in the Grey Mountains.
3 - 2244Death of Steward Húrin I. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes Túrin I.
3 - 2278Death of Steward Túrin I. He is succeeded by his son Hador.
3 - 2289Death of King Thorin I of Durin's Folk. He is succeeded by his son, Glóin.
3 - 2338Birth of Náin, later King Náin II, in the Grey Mountains.
3 - 2340Founding of Buckland by Gorhendad Oldbuck.
3 - 2340Isumbras I is the first Took to be Thain of the Shire.
3 - 2385Death of King Glóin of Durin's Folk. He is succeeded by his son, Óin.
3 - 2435Death of Steward Dior of Gondor. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes Denethor I.
3 - 2460The Watchful Peace comes to an end with Sauron's return out of the east.
3 - 2463Formation of the Council of the Wise.
3 - 2463Gollum comes upon the One Ring.
3 - 2475Mordor launches a sudden attack on Osgiliath, finally ruining the long-decaying city and breaking its bridge.
3 - 2480Sauron sends orcs and trolls to infest the Misty Mountains and cut off their passes.
3 - 2488Death of King Óin of Durin's Folk. He is succeeded by his son, Náin.
3 - 2497Birth of Aravorn, later Chieftain of the Dúnedain.
3 - 2510The Rohirrim ride to the aid of Gondor. They are given the land of Calenardhon (Rohan) to dwell in.
3 - 2510Departure of Elrond's spouse Celebrían into the West.
3 - 2542Birth of Thrór, later King under the Mountain.
3 - 2570Death of King Brego of Rohan, from grief at the loss of his son Baldor in the Paths of the Dead. He is succeeded by Baldor's brother Aldor.
3 - 2585Death of King Náin II of Durin's Folk. He is succeeded by his son, Dáin.
3 - 2588Death of Chieftain Aragost of the Dúnedain. He is succeeded by his son, Aravorn.
3 - 2589Dáin I and his son Frór are slain by a Cold-drake. Dáin is succeeded by his son Thrór.
3 - 2590The Dwarves of Durin's Folk return to Erebor.
3 - 2594Birth of Fréawine, later King of Rohan.
3 - 2619Birth of Goldwine, later King of Rohan.
3 - 2644Birth of Déor, later King of Rohan.
3 - 2645Death of King Aldor the Old of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Fréa.
3 - 2654Death of Chieftain Aravorn of the Dúnedain. He is succeeded by his son, who becomes Arahad II.
3 - 2659Death of King Fréa of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Fréawine.
3 - 2670Introduction of pipe-weed to the Shire by Tobold Hornblower of Longbottom.
3 - 2680Death of King Fréawine of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Goldwine.
3 - 2683Isengrim Took II becomes the tenth Shire-thain of the Took line.
3 - 2699Death of King Goldwine of Rohan. He is succeeded by his son Déor.
3 - 2710The Dunlendings capture Isengard.
3 - 2722Death of Thain Isengrim II of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Isumbras III.
3 - 2746Birth of Thorin, later called Oakenshield, son of King Thráin II.
3 - 2747The Battle of Greenfields is fought in the Northfarthing of the Shire.
3 - 2759Saruman is given the Keys of Orthanc by Steward Beren.
3 - 2759Death of Thain Isumbras III of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Ferumbras II.
3 - 2770Smaug descends on Erebor, destroying it and the neighbouring town of Dale.
3 - 2772Birth of Dwalin.
3 - 2790Thrór is slain in Moria by Azog.
3 - 2799The Battle of Azanulbizar. The War of the Dwarves and Orcs ends with the death of Azog.
3 - 2801Death of Thain Ferumbras II of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Fortinbras I.
3 - 2846Birth of Hob Gammidge.
3 - 2848Death of Thain Fortinbras I of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Gerontius, who becomes famous as the Old Took.
3 - 2850Thráin II dies in the pits of Dol Guldur. His son Thorin becomes King of Durin's Folk
3 - 2851The White Council discover proof that the Necromancer of Dol Guldur is Sauron returned.
3 - 2859Birth of Thorin's nephew Fíli.
3 - 2879Birth of Gimli, later called Elf-friend.
3 - 2885Gondor and Rohan defeat a force of Haradrim at the Crossings of Poros.
3 - 2890Birth of Bilbo Baggins in the Shire.
3 - 2892Birth of Holman Greenhand.
3 - 2900Approximate date of the refortification of Cair Andros by Steward Túrin II.
3 - 2911The year of the Fell Winter. White Wolves invade the Shire.
3 - 2920Death of Gerontius, the Old Took. He is succeeded by his son Isengrim III.
3 - 2926Death of Bungo Baggins, father of Bilbo Baggins.
3 - 2926Birth of Hamfast Gamgee, the 'Gaffer', father of Sam Gamgee.
3 - 2930Death of Thain Isengrim III of the Shire. He is succeeded by his brother Isumbras IV.
3 - 29311 March birth of Aragorn II Elessar.
3 - 2933Death of Aragorn's father Arathorn II.
3 - 2934Death of Belladonna Took, mother of Bilbo Baggins.
3 - 2939Death of Thain Isumbras IV of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Fortinbras II.
3 - 2941A young Hamfast Gamgee becomes apprenticed to the gardener Holman Greenhand.
3 - 2941Journey of Bilbo Baggins to Erebor with Thorin and Gandalf.
3 - 2941Smaug is slain by Bard.
3 - 2941Expulsion of the Necromancer from Dol Guldur by the White Council.
3 - 2941July Bilbo Baggins comes across the One Ring beneath the Misty Mountains.
3 - 2941October The Battle of Five Armies.
3 - 2942Return of Sauron to Mordor.
3 - 2951Rebuilding of Barad-dûr begins.
3 - 2951The Nazgûl are sent to reclaim Dol Guldur.
3 - 2953The last meeting of the White Council.
3 - 2955Likely date of the birth of Imrahil of Dol Amroth.
3 - 2962Hamfast Gamgee takes over as gardener at Bag End.
3 - 296822 September Birth of Frodo Baggins in the Shire.
3 - 2978Birth of Boromir, heir to Denethor II of Gondor.
3 - 2980Loss of Drogo Baggins and his wife Primula in a boating accident.
3 - 2980Death of Thain Fortinbras II of the Shire. He is succeeded by his son Ferumbras III.
3 - 2982Birth of Meriadoc Brandybuck, later Master of Buckland.
3 - 2983Birth of Faramir, second son of Denethor II.
3 - 29836 April (?) Birth of Samwise Gamgee.
3 - 2985Birth of Melilot Brandybuck in the Shire.
3 - 2989Adoption of Frodo Baggins as Bilbo's heir. Frodo removes from Buckland to Bag End.
3 - 2989Balin begins his ill-fated attempt to recolonise Moria.
3 - 2990Birth of Peregrin Took.
3 - 2994Balin's attempt to recolonise Moria ends in disaster.
3 - 2995Birth of Éowyn in Rohan.
3 - 300122 September Bilbo Baggins' Birthday Party and farewell feast.
3 - 3003Bilbo Baggins begins work on his Translations from the Elvish.
3 - 3015Death of Thain Ferumbras III of the Shire, the last of his line. He is succeeded by Paladin Took II.
3 - 301812 April Gandalf returns to the Shire to warn Frodo about the Ring.
3 - 301820 June Sauron's forces simultaneously attack Gondor and the Wood-elves. The War of the Ring begins.
3 - 301810 July Saruman traps Gandalf and imprisons him on the pinnacle of Orthanc.
3 - 301823 September Frodo leaves Hobbiton.
3 - 301826 September Frodo encounters Tom Bombadil and Goldberry.
3 - 301830 September The Hobbits awake in Bree to find their ponies stolen. Bill Ferny sells them his pony, later called Bill himself.
3 - 30181 October Black Riders raid Buckland in the early morning.
3 - 301825 October The Council of Elrond.
3 - 301825 December The setting-out of the Fellowship from Rivendell.
3 - 301915 January Gandalf and the Balrog fall from the Bridge of Khazad-dûm.
3 - 301915 January The remaining members of the Fellowship flee Moria.
3 - 301923 January Gandalf and the Balrog reach the peak of Zirakzigil.
3 - 301925 January Gandalf casts Durin's Bane from Zirakzigil.
3 - 301916 February The Company of the Ring depart from Lórien.
3 - 301925 February Death of Théodred at the First Battle of the Fords of Isen.
3 - 301926 February Boromir is slain by Orcs; the Fellowship of the Ring is broken.
3 - 30192 March The Second Battle of the Fords of Isen.
3 - 30193 March Destruction of Isengard by the Ents.
3 - 301910 March An army out of the Morannon captures Cair Andros and invades Anórien.
3 - 301913 March Aragorn captures the fleet of the Corsairs at Pelargir.
3 - 301914 March A dispute breaks out in the Tower of Cirith Ungol, leading to open battle between the Orcs in the Tower.
3 - 301914-15 March The Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
3 - 301915 March The pyre of Denethor.
3 - 301917-20 March The Battle of Dale.
3 - 301925 March Destruction of the One Ring and final downfall of Sauron and his Nazgûl.
3 - 30196 April Celeborn and Thranduil meet and rename Mirkwood as Eryn Lasgalen.
3 - 30191 May Crowning of Aragorn II Elessar.
3 - 30191 November Saruman dies at the hands of his servant Gríma. The end of the War of the Ring.
3 - 302129 September Departure of the Ring-bearers.
3 - 30216 October Sam returns to Bag End on his faithful pony, Bill.